Camino del Norte

My stages du 14-03-23 au 29-03-23
13131San Sebastian Koba Hostel
+34 943 16 58 17
25423Zarautz Hostel Blai Blai
+34 688 75 50 26
37622Deba Auberge de pèlerins Geltokia
+34 943 19 24 52
410529Ziortza-Bolibar Albergue de peregrinos del Monasterio de Ziortza
512722Pozueta Albergue Caserío Pozueta
+34 618 71 24 36
615225Bilbao Latroupe
718129Onton Albergue Tu Camino
+34 942 74 03 89
822544Laredo Albergue Casa de la Trinidad
+34 618 00 08 31
925126Güemes Albergue de Peregrinos de Guemes
1028433Boo de Pielaga Albergue Peidad
+34 680 62 00 73
1131228Cabonedondo Albergue Izarra
+34 689 62 23 44
1233826San Vincente Albergue de San Vincente
1336729Vidiago Albergue El Caseron
1439730Piñeres Albergue Casa Rectoral
1542326La Isla Albergue municipal
+34 684 66 14 67
1644320Villaviciosa Albergue El Congresso
+34 985 89 11 80

En France, consulter les cartes détaillées sur les sites des associations départementales
En Espagne, utiliser une application comme Buen Camino ou Gronze

Sur le Camino del Norte du 14 au 29 mars 2023


La tortilla. Soy en Espagna despues 11h30

Hondarribia, la primera Ciudad en Espana

La Francia es detras

Los casas de Pasaia

El bote para cruza el rio

La playa de San Sebastian 


Swiming in march

With Hubert coming from Poland and who wants to go to Compostelle. He's the first pellegrino I meet since I leave Nozay the 15th february

Don Quichotte and Sancho Panza

San Sebastian in the morning 

With Ruth who wants to give me informations on the way. She wants I climb the hill with the funicular at the end of the beach, but I prefer to folow the yelow arrows

An very old way

Sometimes on the side of the way

Less as 800 km !

I like this quiet place

Sheep with a black head


Zarautz where I will pass the night. A day with 20 kms

With Matias and Nelly walking to Compostelle with 15 kg in their bag

With Mirjan and Dagmar who are also walking in direction of Compostelle 


Beach of Zarautz 

Climbing the mountains 

Santiago !  The river

A lift to go down the hill 


Diner in Deba

L'église a été construite autour de ces pierres 

Dîner au monastère 


Lever du soleil au monastère 

Avec Rita, Léopold et Hervé en chemin depuis début novembre 

Dernière collation avec Mirjam qui va continuer sa parenthèse à Seville

Une ville reconstruite. 1937, Hitler testa ici l'efficacité de son armée de l'air en faisant tomber un déluge de feu sur des civils innocents 

Guernica  vu par Picasso 

Dagmar, Javier, Yo, Robert and Maria-Jesus

Albergue Caserio Pozueta con Maria-Jesus, Javier, el hospitalero, Dagmar y Yo


Albergue Caserio Pozueta, muy bonito

Una iglesia y Maria-Jesus

Una cabra


El centro de la ciudad

The flower dog front of the entrance of the museum

Museum Guggenheim 

Modern art

Why not


Reflect or not

Some nice paintings

Dinner with Dagmar and Robert in the old centrum


Latroupe : my albergue in Bilbao

A transborder at the beginning of the river of Bilbao

Walking along the coast

Albergue Tu Camino

With Janice, Cinthy and Eva in the albegue Tu Camino in Onton


The long tunnel for pellegrinos and bicycles 

Casle de Castro

Casa de la Trinidad in Laredo after a 35 km walk

Dinner in Larido after the mass


Our albergue in the convent of Larido 

This morning, we cannot cross the channel with thé boat to go to the other side of the river ! That's the Camino

Caws and birds living together

On the way of Guemes albergue

Where is the way ? Walking only ... or helping otherones 

The main house of Ernesto association

Dinner in the albergue of Guemes


Albergue of Guemes : the work of the life of Ernesto. He transformed the family house in a nice and big albergue which can welcome a lot of pelgrims 

It looks a little like Etretat cliffs

A so lovely beach

First view of Santander on the other side of the river

Santander seen from the boat crossing the river

With Mario and Alexia in Santander

Cathedral of Santander, closed when I passed

Only 572 km from Santander to Santiago 

Albergue Piedad of Boo de Pielagos


At least, the sea again

The church is closed like everywhere

The time to get this experience with the plato del dia con una copa de vino rosso

El Parador was my choice of visit instead of the museo de la tortura, y de la inquisicion

Santillana del Mar, the nicest city of Spain ?

Lama ?

The albergue Izarra in Caborredondo  with 10 pelgrims this nigth


The albergue Isarra in the morning


La cava de las Iglesias 

El Pellegrino 


The mediéval bridge

La vaca y su ternero

The pelgrim front of San Vincente

El pulpo like in Galicia

Dinner in San Vincente with Jenny, Charlie and Tonin


Only 500 kms to Santiago 

Walking in the morning 

Snow in the mountains 

Wind is bloowing 

A stone bird. Before taking the direction of the Albergue El Casseron de Vidiago after a walk of 30 kms.

Dinner in the Albergue El Casseron de Vidiago 


El Puerto de Llanes

A dog on the beach 

My albergue Casa Rectoral


Starting in the night 


Albergue municipal de La Isla with Tonin and Jenny 


Last view of the sea of this Camino. Now, I will be in front of the mountains to go to Santiago through the Camino Primitivo

A typical construction

A lemon tree

Flowers of the spring

Motorway going also along the coast is crossing many times the Camino del Norte 

Chickens in the public garden of Villaviciosa in front of the albergue el Congresso

El servicio del sidre en la sidreria

La sidreria de Villaviciosa con Vicente, Jenny, Charlie y Roberto. Aqui, Soy en el punto final del Camino del Norte para me.

Manana, el Camino Primitivo in Oviedo. Pero hay fuegos en las montanas.
